Don’t Change What’s Meant to Be

“What a small world” is just a phrase but I have never believed it to be true. There aren’t coincidences, everything is supposed to happen. Everything and everyone is connected. A quote in The Five People You Meet in Heaven, by Mitch Albom, says “That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind.” Whatever happens has a purpose and reason, and two people that are connected have a reason. If you take one moment or one connection away, everything would change. Everything is connected and you cannot just pull them apart. In my life this means that even the memories and connections that I regret, I know they had an impact on me. For that reason, I would never change any of them. There was a reason everything has happened and when it did. Even if I can’t see why right this moment, I know there will be a time when it all clicks together.What’s meant to be is meant to be.


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